Privacy & Cookies


Please read this policy carefully to understand how we collect, use, and store your personal data. This policy applies to individuals in Singapore and Hong Kong. 


Belu Water is a limited company and social enterprise based in England. We take your privacy very seriously and are committed to protecting your personal information in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) of Singapore, and the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO) of Hong Kong. 

This privacy policy explains how we may collect and use the information you provide us. If you have any questions, comments, or requests about this policy, please email or write to: 

Data Protection Manager 
Belu Water 
63-66 Hatton Garden, 5th Floor Suite 23 
London EC1 8LE 

This policy includes: 

  • How we collect information 

  • Where we collect information from 

  • What personal information we collect 

  • How we will use your personal information 

  • How we keep your data safe and who has access to it 

  • How we keep your information up to date 

  • Your rights regarding your information 

  • Cookie policy 

  • Changes to this policy 

  • How We Collect Information 

Belu may collect information in the following ways: 

Direct Information: You may provide your details when you request specific information from us via email, social media, phone, or post. 

Third-Party Organizations: You may have provided your details to another organization that works with us. The information we receive depends on your settings or the response choices you give, so please check your agreements with those organizations. 

Social Media: Depending on your privacy settings on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, you may give us permission to access information from your accounts. 

Meetings: You may share information about yourself during meetings with us. 

Public Sources: We may collect personal details from public sources, such as social networks, company websites, and news archives, or use data service agencies to collect this information. 

What Categories of Personal Information We Collect 

The type and quantity of information we collect and how we use it depends on why you are providing it. We may collect: 

  • Your name 

  • The name and type of the company you work for 

  • Your contact details (business or sole trader street address, email address, and phone number) 

How We Will Use Your Personal Information 

We may use your personal information in the following ways: 

  • To provide you with the services or information you have requested 

  • To send you updates and news from Belu via email, telephone, or direct mail 

  • To inform you of changes to our products or services 

  • To maintain our organizational records and ensure we have your most up-to-date marketing preferences 

  • To improve our services and information offerings 

  • To tailor advertising presented to you online based on your interests and preferences 

  • To help inform our marketing campaigns via tailored lookalike & remarketing audiences.

  • To collaborate with trusted third-parties such as the SRA for co-branded marketing campaigns. 

  • To contact you if you are identified as a contact person for a company 

How We Keep Your Data Safe and Who Has Access to It 

To protect your personal information, we take reasonable precautions and follow industry best practices to make sure it is not inappropriately lost, misused, accessed, disclosed, altered or destroyed. 

We always ensure only authorised personnel have access to your information, and that they are appropriately trained to manage your data. 

We may share your email address and name with Meta (formerly Facebook), LinkedIn and/or or Google – solely for the purpose of creating lookalike audiences to improve the relevance and effectiveness of our advertising campaigns. 

We may share your email addresses with the marketing teams of businesses we work with for co-branded marketing campaigns such as the SRA. This sharing of information is only done with explicit user consent. This consent is obtained in compliance with PDPR/PDPO requirements and is freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting 

Despite taking precautions, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. So, while we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you disclose to us online, and you must understand that you do so at your own risk. 


How We Keep Your Information Up to Date 

We will periodically verify and update your records, such as through annual calls to check the accuracy of details. We appreciate your assistance in informing us if your contact details change by emailing 

How Long We Keep Your Information For 

We will retain your personal information only as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected. If you request to stop receiving marketing materials, we will retain a record of your contact details to comply with your request. To see our current retention periods please refer to our UK Privacy Policy. 

Legal Basis for Processing Your Information 

We will where possible seek your consent to process personal data. However, we may process your information without consent when legally permitted, specifically when it is in our legitimate interests and does not prejudice your rights or freedoms. You can withdraw your consent at any time, which will end our ability to rely on consent for processing your personal information. 

Your Rights 

You have rights regarding your personal data under applicable laws. These include: 

  • The Right to Access: Request copies of your personal data. A small fee may apply. 

  • The Right to Rectification: Request corrections to any inaccurate or incomplete information. 

  • The Right to Erasure: Request the deletion of your personal data under certain conditions. 

  • The Right to Restrict Processing: Request restrictions on processing your personal data under certain conditions. 

  • The Right to Object to Processing: Object to our processing of your personal data under certain conditions. 

  • The Right to Data Portability: Request transfer of your data to another organization or directly to you, under certain conditions. 

If you make a request, we have one month to respond. To exercise any of these rights, please contact us at 

Cookie Policy 

Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard Internet log information and visitor behavior information. We may automatically collect information through cookies or similar technology when you visit our websites. 

How We Use Cookies  
We use cookies to improve your experience on our website, including 
understanding how you use our website 
Types of Cookies We Use  
Our website uses different types of cookies: 

  • Functionality Cookies: These recognize you on our website and remember your preferences, such as language and location. 

  • Advertising Cookies: These collect information about your visit to our website, including content viewed, links followed, browser information, and device details. 

Managing Cookies
You can set your browser not to accept cookies, this website provides instructions on how to remove cookies. However, some website features may not function properly as a result. 

International Data Transfers and CRM Usage 

We utilize HubSpot as our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to manage personal data across our territories, including the UK, Singapore, and Hong Kong. HubSpot ensures compliance with applicable data protection laws and provides safeguards for international data transfers you can read more about that here. We may share your data with HubSpot in accordance with their privacy policies. 

Data transferred to our CRM will be done in compliance with the relevant data protection laws, ensuring that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect your data. 

Changes to this Privacy Policy 

This policy may change from time to time. If we make any significant changes, we will clearly publicize these changes on our website or contact you directly with more information. 

Version History: This privacy policy was last updated on August 29th 2024.